Friday, February 19, 2010

Tila Tequila is SO unoriginal

Thanks to @RottenAgave for finding the cover video

Tila Tequila sure has been talking about her song "Blue Dress" a lot. Problem is it's not hers it's Depeche Mode's song and she hasn't credited them at all. Recently, she sang it at her club hosting even in Sydney. Where she again, did not credit Depeche Mode. Tila likes to steal people's songs/ideas a lot, but is her Cover of "Blue Dress" even her cover?? This cover shown below sounds VERY similar to Tila's granted, it's got a different bit of twists, but as for the tempo it is very alike. If you took out maybe the background music and the weird voice in the song it would sound identical almost. Not only does Tila steal Depeche Mode's song she steals someone else's cover of it.

Find some originality Tila.

Top Video is the cover and the Bottom is Tila's cover at her club appearance


Anonymous said...

OMG! Shes stealing songs now?....LMAO! Bout time someone put that up! WOW! Nice Post.

Anonymous said...

If you get time you should do the Joan Jett as well.


Anonymous said...

Tila is on his top 8 too.