That is Tila's belief anyway. Tila's new Thought of The Day is all about Satan and Illuminati involvement in the Celebrity world. According to her Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Beyonce, and a few other's are all working for Satan - and the "others."
It's crazy that I actually do believe in this stuff - kind of, and find it very interesting. Basically, I am not bashing Tila for the subject of this post. However, I do think she took it a little too far. I also believe her drug usage has something to do with the paranoia screaming out of this blog. I don't think anyone could take this too seriously, because of that.
I don't know who died and made Tila the queen of what's okay to put in the media, but apparently she thinks that's her job. She goes on to bash Lady Gaga's music videos for basically being too . . . dark. I found this insanely hypocritical due to the fact Tila thinks it's okay to
1. Post pictures of a bloody cut up arm.
2. Post a video of the bloody cut up arm.
3. Go on Ustream and stick a gun in her mouth.
4. Strip on camera to underage kids.
5. Masturbate on Ustream.
6. Sing obscenely vulgar music.
I know she's done a lot more than just that. With all that that being said, though, what makes her think it's okay to talk about what OTHER people are doing that may be a little too mature for teenagers/kids to see.
Oh well, I guess God thinks that list, above, isn't a negative one if Tila's an Angel sent to us from him. Yeah, right.
I didn't think she could top the Jane's Attempted Murder, but this is hitting it. Isn't her EP called From the Darkside or something like it? The woman is free falling into insanity.
Yeah it's called Welcome To The Darkside. haha. Honestly, I'd be more scared of her music/videos having hidden satanic messages in them.
It's just a matter of time before she starts recruiting members for her cult. Wait, she's doing that already with her self-established Tila fan club/Army. She's been snorting some good shit and has been watching way too many reruns of Nostradamus Effect on the History Channel.
hahahahaha. that's so true.
I'm with you here Darlin lol I believe some of these things too but Now that Tila said it.. I'm on the fence lmao
Ha! imoutofit!
I know I'm not alone when I think Tila's trying to pull a Manson!
Is Jane really the devil trying to take out Tila cus shes an angel?!? Hahaha
I am seriously going to report her to this organization who works to STOP people LIKE TILA with her CULT like ARMY and EVEN more so after I SAW her tell them she will be sending them all some secret government drink and they all will drink it @the same time!!!!!!!!!! That is going to far, now saying they are a RELIGION together and WAIT for Sunday's Sermon it will be her next blog. She needs to be stopped, seriously! I wouldnt give two shits if it were adults she was feeding this shit too but it isnt it is mostly children and preteen that is JUST SICK!!!!!
not to mention if anyone was apart of this shit it would be Tila. look at all her pics her music and etc. either she is involved or attempting to use it to her benefit to get more fans with attempting mind control but honestly tila is not that smart.
Tila is a complete headcase!
WTH is up with this tilaarmy CULT CRAP?? This whole thing is pissing me off! We were just starting to get along with some of the tilaarmy and now Tila is telling them to ignore us?? Maybe Joda did get through to Tila about the whole "you're not a fan if you're friends/talk with haters"? It was nice to see a lot of us being able to tweet fans without being mean to each other for once. It makes me so sad! They need to throw Tila and Joda into the crazy house ASAP. Come to think of it, Joda would be the perfect assistant for her (cleaning her piss, sh*t and vomit)!
Bitch didn't write this. She don't have the brain to proces this whole conspiracy shit. Please, if anyone interviews her, ask her about it. She won't know how to explain it.
Thien is a desparate person.She is trying anything and doing anything to create a career.Thien's bankruptcy was discharged may 28 and we are curious if the Federal Tax lien placed on her will have to be payed back.
Thien is heading overseas and will try to revive a dying "reality" personality career.The only thing we can do is send the people who interview her the "Truth about THIEN" Who knows what will happen overseas in other countries.Why was David Hasselholf so popular in Germany?
Look for THIEN to try and latch on to another falling reality personality.
I think you KNOW why THIEN's legs are always bruised....
Everyone please don't visit THIENS GOSSIP BLOG let the truth bloggers capture the insanity.
Allen from Az
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